Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sad, but true.

While checking through my daily websites, I found this article on the NME website. It is about why British indie bands can't break through to the states. (Kind of a huge angst and blessing for me. Angst, because, well, it is kind of embarressing as an American, and it is harder to find out about GOOD new bands, because they can't survive in the (shit) American music industry. BUT, it is a blessing, because of my naturally possessive, snobby ways, I get to keep my bands all to myself, BUT, I get the enthusiasm of UK fans (which seem to be by FAR better) via Youtube. It isn't great, but it is fun to see that at least the bands are getting the attention they deserve, even if it isn't from the States. Also, it makes ME seem waaaay more indie and cool to know a bunch of bands that no one else does, EVEN THOUGH, they are widely played on the radio in Britain, hah!

Article Here

Hands in the Sky (Big Shot)

Straylight Run was one of my favorite bands, and although I haven't listened to them in a long time, I think it is safe to say they are still one of my favorites.

(A little tidbit from this song, the part where he sings "Put your hands in the sky, you better give it up, boy, give it up, or you're gonna die. You'll get a bullet in the back of your neck, in the back of your neck, right between the eyes" is referring to the book 1984. (and although that book freaks me out, I still like it. and Straylight Run gets bonus points for referring to it.) Also, it is kind of obvious, if you read the rest of the lyrics, too.)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Julian Casablancas

"I know I'm going to hell in a leather jacket,
at least I'll be in another world while you're pissin' on my casket"

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Next Time Around

If you think at one point "that doesn't sound english" that is because it isn't! It's Portuguese. Two of the members (Rodrigo Amarente and Fabrizio Moretti, the two guys in the VW bug) were born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Monday, September 6, 2010